2013-12-02 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

TeeSpring Cash Machine (buy now) Push-Button Kindle (buy now) FB Power Pack (buy now) Apex Authors $1 Trial (buy now)

John & Jay – FaceBook Power Pack

[S3VIDEO bucket="blowout-sale" file="black-friday-2013/videos/2013-11-29-Black-Friday-Blowout-JJ-Facebook.mp4" autoplay="true" width="710"]
Are you ready to start making money with Facebook? We’ve got you covered with software, templates, and training in this amazing package, starting with a powerful push-button tool we can FB Image Pro.

FB Power-Pack

What can you do with this amazing and FUN software tool? Well, you can create 9 different types of images that are perfectly sized for submission to any kind of FB page, including headers, covers, ads, profiles images, tabs, post images, milestone images, fangate images & custom sizes.

Here’s exactly what you’re getting with this amazing money-making designed to help you make money 3 different ways with Facebook!:

  • Create perfectly sized FB headers, ads, posts, & memes, in 7 seconds flat with 3 clicks!
  • Generate awesome memes for your timeline & fan pages so you can post every day!
  • Easily crank out pro-looking FB Fan Pages (even if you’re not a designer!)
  • Drive massive traffic to your Kindle books, blogs, Amazon products, & affiliate offers
  • Make money by offering this as a service to other authors and local businesses for $300
  • Hang up your shingle as a FB designer on Odesk, Elance, charging for your design services
  • Create custom graphics for your website, Pinterest boards, or any other graphic needs!
2 Cent FB Ads

Not only that, we’re also including a 21-video training on how to make money with your new Fan Pages (or virtually anything else online) by leveraging super-cheap Facebook ads — as little as 2 cents per click! And finally, you’ll have instant access to our 67-page digital guide to get you off to the fastest start possible making money with the #1 social network in the world…Facebook Marketing Made Easy.

Click the buy now button above and we’ll send you instant access to this entire package, including:

  • FB Image Pro Software
  • FB Image Pro – Video Training (7 videos)
  • FB Image Pro – PDF Guide (17 pages)
  • 2 Cent FB Ads – Video Training (21 videos)
  • Facebook Marketing Made Easy – PDF Guide (67 pages)

John & Jay’s Offer

Product Name: FaceBook Power Pack
Links: Sales Page   Customer support
Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $159   $37


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