Affiliate HD Bonus (How to get the BEST BONUS)
The all new Affiliate HD just went live.
And our Affiliate HD Bonus Package includes several
things that we’ve never, ever offered to anyone before.
(You might want to print this out because we’ve never
put anything like this together before…)
Here’s a big hint: It’s worth $2,000 and everyone’s going
to want to have it. It’s a brand new course that’s almost
done and we’re going to sell it for big bucks.
In fact, our Affiliate HD Bonus Package includes many
items we’ve sold for $500 to $2,000 each.
And, you get all of them as a bonus…
Here’s how:
Simply join Affiliate HD right now with our affiliate link:
Now, considering the fact that several items I’m giving
you currently sell, or will sell at more than your cost for
Affiliate HD today…
I’d consider this an absolute bargain.
You might be a little shocked at first by Affiliate HD’s
price. It’s not for everyone. However, I can tell you that
it could change your life when you apply it properly.
Here’s your special bonus link…
If you’d like our Affiliate HD Bonus then you’ll need to
use it when you join.
Use this link right now to check it out for yourself:
Are you confused by my note to you? Are you trying
to figure out what’s going on here?
Let me explain…
Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos have generated
millions of dollars of PROFIT as affiliates. They are
sharing their system with you, starting today.
Their new coaching platform and training system
will help you enjoy the same kind of profit gushing
affiliate cash that they soak up.
Jason and Wil’s completely new coaching and
training course is launching today (18-June) and
this is your chance to get it with our bonuses.
The problem is that other people are going to try
to sell you Affiliate HD because it’s so awesome.
I figure that the only way to get your full attention
to offer up a bonus offer that’s so big and juicy,
and so valuable, that you’ll be compelled to buy
it through our link.
We are including new coaching, new training, new
content, and even direct access to us… items we
have never offered before. Again, several items
are worth far more than Affiliate HD. So, I’m
making this a “no brainer” for you.
Use this special bonus link right now to join the
new Affiliate HD if you’d like to receive exclusive
access to all of our bonuses…
Here’s our exclusive Affiliate HD Bonus Offer:
(See full offer and Bonus Terms below for all details)
Bonus #1
We have never, ever offered this as a bonus
before, because it’s completely brand new!
We’re running TWO affiliate mastermind sessions
just for Affiliate HD members. In the first session,
Jay Boyer and I are going to reveal our Top Five
affiliate profit secrets.
To be clear, the first webinar will include content,
ideas, and the exact steps we use to crush our
competitors in affiliate contests. We stun even
veteran affiliate marketers.
In the second webinar, we’ll provide you with a
plan on how to sell more products as an affiliate.
This is your “$100 a Day” affiliate sales blueprint.
You’ll also learn how to attract affiliates and JV
partners for your own promotions, for your own
product launches. They will “mindlessly” promote
for you, to their buyers and their hot networks of
loyal fans.
This is easily worth $1,997 because we’ve never
shared these details before, with anyone. Ever.
(I’m worried about how much of an impact this
could have… it’s not something to “mess” with.)
Grab your bonus now. Here’s your special link:
Bonus #2
We’re releasing a brand-new training program in about
6 weeks. (Maybe a little bit sooner.)
No one on Earth owns this yet since it’s completely new.
Everyone’s going to want this, but you get it as a gift.
I can’t tell you everything about it yet because we need
to keep parts of secret, but I can tell you this…
It’s a full, complete, 360 degree “view” of online video
marketing. It covers everything from webinars to studio
recording, and even mobile video production. Even our
close JV partners will be surprised when they see this!
At a bare minimum, you will discover everything about:
* screen recording
* sales and training webinars
* studio camera recording
* mobile video production
* simple content editing
* video editing and hosting
* video cross promotion
* video outsourcing secrets
(But also… stuff like video rendering, using royalty free
images, getting MP3s with one click, and way more!)
…and like I said, that’s not even scratching the surface
of this new, soon-to-be released training and coaching
program that you get as our Affiliate HD Bonus Package.
And, how important is video for your affiliate marketing?
Ha! It’s everything, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Yes —
We easily make at $20K or more from simple 5-7
minute videos, perfectly designed and set up. We
maximize it, and we show YOU how to do it, too.
All with simple tools.
Here’s how to get your free copy as a bonus:
Just use my Affiliate link to join Affiliate HD right
now and our newest training program could be
yours for free as a bonus…
Don’t miss out on this bonus package, join right now:
Bonus #3
We know because of Bonus #2 that you will totally
understand video creation and video production.
With Bonus #3 we’re going to take your affiliate
marketing skills to a brand new level. After much,
“hemming and hawing” we’ve decided to give you
the ultimate Video Marketing Knockout Punch
(also known as the VMKP).
What does the VMKP give you? Simple. First, get
access to my Ultimate Video Sales Page Script.
You can use this for building hot sales webinars,
or you can use it to create smoking sales videos.
We use it all the time. We love it. And, it works.
The second part of the VMKP bonus, is something
we’ve never done. No kidding… get this:
After you’re done building your video sales page,
or your webinar script using our proprietary script,
we’ll review it for you and give you our feedback.
What to juice up. What to kill. You’re getting our
direct time: We will personally review your script.
We normally charge $500 per hour. And, since
Jay and I will *both* review your final script, that’s
like getting $1,000 of free coaching and consulting.
On your sales page, your offer, your affiliate funnel,
or whatever you’re using the video for… it’s totally
up to you. Ka-POW!
We’re going to put your work under a microscope
and help you crush it. Our goal will be to help you
turn that video into pure gold… so you can raise
your prices, get more sales, impact more buyers,
and make your video and your funnel STRONGER.
Get our complete bonus package… by joining
Affiliate HD right now using this link:
Bonus #4
You’re going to love this bonus because it will help you
set up a powerful affiliate system for your business, in
very little time.
Find out what we use, how we use it, and why it’s the
system that will help you the most.
We’ve got training on how to use a powerful affiliate
system, how to get a merchant account (what we use),
how to easy “integrate” with PayPal, how to set up
buy buttons, how to get affiliates to sign up, how to
set up a simple shopping cart, how to deliver your
products, and more, more, more.
In this bonus, we’re also going to show you how to
“Go Pro!” by setting up a company in the U.S. just
like we have done, and like our coaching students.
This is also juicy for people living outside the U.S.
who want to sell more easily via Amazon, but also
through many affiliate platforms.
There’s plenty more in this bonus. It’s essential to
your long term success as an affiliate marketer,
but also as a serious entrepreneur.
This bonus is easily worth $497 and we’ve sold
just a few parts of it for between $97 and $997.
It gets rave reviews, because it’s comprehensive
yet simple.
Get this complete bonus package by first getting
Affiliate HD through our link, right here:
*** *** ***
OK, well —
That’s our Affiliate HD Bonus offer.
As you now know, it includes several new products
that have never been sold before. Ever.
Plus, you get several other items that are essential
to your business, especially as an affiliate marketer.
And, the total value is far beyond what you’ll
invest in Affiliate HD, because we believe in
Affiliate HD, and Jason Fladlien & Wil Mattos.
This is not some stupid, meaningless, or wasteful
“fat pile” of bonuses… but instead, this Affiliate HD
Bonus Package is targeted to your success. This
will take your business to a new level. And, joining
Affiliate HD is an absolute bargain considering the
value of the bonuses here, when you use join using
our link.
So if you’d like to get your hands on our bonus…
Then please use this special bonus link to join right
now so you don’t miss out:
*** *** ***
Affiliate HD Bonus Terms:
In order to qualify for the Affiliate HD Bonus Package
outlined, Jay Boyer and John S. Rhodes must receive
affiliate credit for your Affiliate HD purchase during the
official launch period starting on 18-June-2013 and
26-June-2013. We must get paid the full commission
for your purchase. Jay and John are the only ones who
decide who end up deciding who gets the bonuses.
Some items might be given out before the end of the
refund period and others after the refund period. This
bonus can be modified, including the option to add
even more bonus content, or materials.
Don’t forget…
Our Affiliate HD Bonus includes several items that
we’ve never offered before, in any shape or form.
Our Bonus offer includes several items that we have
sold for $497 to $997. (With rave reviews.)
And you can get all of them as a bonus…
Here’s how:
Simply join Affiliate HD right now with this affiliate link.
Consider the value we’re offering in our bonus,
this is an absolute bargain for you.
Here’s your special bonus link: