James and Jay’s Exclusive Bonus
Kibo Code


TOTAL VALUE = $5,846.00


Bonus #1: The “Traffic Explosion” System — Scale Your Kibo Code Profits 6 Different Ways! – (VALUE = $1,200.00)

After you’ve found your winning products, we’re going to help you SCALE your Kibo Code sales & profits to the moon, in 6 different ways! This brand new “Traffic Explosion System” training contains over 6 hours of hands-on “what’s working now” video tutorials, and is going to show you exactly how to boost your product sales and income by promoting them on 6 different traffic platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Bing! This exclusive bonus will give you an incredible advantage over every other E-com seller out there, and it’s only available to YOU as a subscriber of Jay & James.


Bonus #2: Promote Your Products for FREE on Pinterest — Tap Into This Massive Free Source of “Ready to Buy” Traffic! – (VALUE = $750.00)

Did you know that Pinterest is one of the biggest traffic generators for physical products online, and you can do it completely free? That’s right, with over 150 million monthly users, Pinterest has been one of the best-kept secrets of E-commerce sellers for years. And we’ve arranged for one of the foremost Pinterest marketing experts in the world to take you by the hand and show you step by step exactly how to to explode your product sales with some 100% free traffic on this powerful social media site, at no charge!

Promoting on Pinterest: Foundation

Promoting on Pinterest: Business

Promoting on Pinterest: Monetization

Promoting on Pinterest: Advanced Tactics


Bonus #3: Flipping Paradise — Turn your Kibo Code Business into a HUGE Payday (VALUE = $1,499.00)

Did you know that people are buying profitable Amazon and Shopify E-commerce businesses for hundreds of thousands of dollars — right now at a website called Flippa? It’s true, and this training program will show you exactly how to “cash out” of your Kibo Code business and sell it for a huge instant payday typically worth ten times your monthly sales (or more!). This exclusive video training program was created by one of the most profitable “flippers” in the world, and will take you by the hand and show you how to transform your Kibo Code business into hard cold cash when you decide it’s time to retire.

Flipping Paradise Digital Guide


Flipping Paradise Module 1


Flipping Paradise Module 2


Flipping Paradise Module 3


Flipping Paradise Module 4


Flipping Paradise Module 5


Flipping Paradise Module 6


Bonus #4: “Facebook Ads For Physical Products” MasterClass Training – (featuring Jay & James’ own Facebook Advertising Expert David Schloss): (VALUE = $750.00)

If you’ve never done any kind of Facebook advertising before, we’ve got you covered here as well because you’ll be able to jump on a live training with Facebook Advertising Expert David Schloss. FYI — David runs all of Jay and James’ Facebook ad campaigns, and is an absolute master at promoting physical products. David will be available to you on this webinar training to ask any questions that you might have about setting up your Facebook ad account, creating and submitting your first ad, using the power editor, and any other questions that you might have about the process of getting your first Facebook ad up and running and making you money!

Facebook Ads For Physical Products (slides)
Facebook Ads for Physical Products (video)

Bonus #5: How to Get Glowing Video Reviews For Your E-commerce Products – Over-the-Shoulder Video Training (VALUE = $500.00)

We’ll show you exactly hot to reach out to the “Power Reviews” to give you glowing product reviews, which will help you pre-sell the customer on buying your product. And as an additional bonus: these reviewers can also drive massive targeted traffic directly to your Amazon products!

Getting Your Product Reviewed
List of Unboxers

Bonus #6: The YouTube Sniper Method — Send Viral Video Traffic Directly to Your Products (VALUE = $500.00)

Want to tap into the millions of Youtube video viewers who are looking for products just like yours right now…without ever having to create a video yourself? In this exclusive training series, Jay shows you the secret to funneling super-targeted viral video traffic directly to your Amazon products in order to explode your sales and profits with the Kibo Code system!

YouTube Traffic System


Bonus #7 Done-For-You eCommerce Funnel — Cut-and-Paste Product Funnel (VALUE = $350.00)

Done-For-You eCommerce Funnel

Just plug your own Kibo Code products into this proven, high-converting ClickFunnels sales sequence, send some traffic from Facebook ads, and watch the sales roll in! We got this proven E-commerce funnel from our friend Russell Brunson himself, who has used it to generate over $17,000 per day in product sales. When you’re ready to start promoting your best selling Kibo Code products outside of Amazon, you’ll be able to drop them right into this funnel and start multiplying your E-commerce profits!


Bonus #8: James’ Amazon Side Business that earns $2000 – $6000 per month — Special Fast Action Bonus – (VALUE = $297.00)

James is going to teach you this business from scratch and even show you the exact product that you will be selling to earn $2000 – $6000 per month.

Click Here to Access James’ Amazon Side Business Training