Jay’s Exclusive Bonus Package:
Kristen Joy’s Journal Design + Ninja Publishing Mega-Bundle


Book Cover Genius


Book Cover Design 101

Book Cover Design 101 PDF Training



Amazon Book Cover Secrets

Amazon Book Cover Secrets PDF Training



Advanced Print on Demand Paperback Cover Design



20 Pro-Style Book Cover Templates

These 20 professional templates are brilliant. Using them is very simple. In just 15-20 minutes you can have your own excellent book cover…high quality, sharp looking and just plain awesome.

After you watch this video, it’s time to get your templates and the videos that explain exactly how to use them. You can see a sample of all 20 covers below.

  Click on the save button to download the cover template files.
  Click on the video instructions button for instructions to modify that specific cover template.























“Kindle Recycling” Live Bonus Training

recycling-logoOn this exclusive Live Bonus Training, Jay will show you how breathe fresh air into your “underperforming” non-fiction Kindle ebook titles, transform them into a high-value digital information product, and and relaunch them to generate 50 – 100 times the revenue for you than the original Kindle ebook. Even better, you’ll be able to generate recurring passive income from this products that will sell for years to come…even while you’re sleeping! Jay’s earned thousands with this Kindle “recycling” system, and now YOU will be able to do the same as a brand new Publish Academy members.



48 Hour Book Formula

The List Book System Mind Map



Easy Book Content

Introduction & Foundation
Writing Your Content
Public Domain Content
Image Content
Other People’s Content
Publishing Your Content


Author’s Advantage Software

Author’s Advantage Software



DiY Bestseller Video Training

DiY Bestseller Training PDF Guides