Forbidden Kindle – Joint Venture Details


Jay Boyer   (Contact Info: [email protected] / skype: boyer.wood)
John S. Rhodes  (Contact Info: [email protected] / skype: oristus)



  1. Forbidden Kindle ($497 one time payment)
  2. Future J.J. Fast Launches (automatic lifetime commissions – see below)



  • 50% of $497 ($248.50 net commissions per sale).
  • 1st full payment sent 5-7 days after webinar (extremely fast payout).
  • Replay sales and residuals paid out every 30 days.
  • Lifetime lead tracking used so our hosts get commissions on all future internal launches.
    This has put many thousands of dollars of “found money” into the hands of our partners.



Replay Link: //

We usually help our webinar hosts increase sales from 50% to upwards of 125% on the replay. If we collect leads and use our autoresponder sequence, we do very well for our hosts. We put a 3-5 day “timebomb” on the replay depending upon our arrangements with our webinar host.

Your registrants will also be hard-cookied via our Nanacast affiliate system to YOU, meaning that you’ll be receiving commission for all future product purchases made by these registrants moving forward.



We always set up accounts on a 1-to-1 basis. You will have your own login account and we will provide both Standard and Platinum access to the entire Children’s Book Formula member area so that you can see how everything is presented and look through the training for yourself.

We can also provide access to any of our other products, including our super popular “low end” products in the $7-$17 range which are great for dropping cookies and tagging your lead for all future purchases.



This product was originally launched in January 2013 as a $997 Kindle group coaching program, with webinar sales of over $250,000 (see results below).

We’re now offering 16 weeks of this recorded Forbidden Kindle training via a drip-fed membership site at a $497 price point, which has also converted great (see below), and has less than a 3% refund rate. The bottom line is that everyone loves the webinar presentation and the high-value course itself.

Here is an example of a JV Partner that recently hosted:

Selling Point: $497
Registrations: 1,469
Show Up Total: 460
Attendance: 31%
Total Earnings Per Reg: $37.32
Total Earnings Per Click: $5.72


John and Jay have paid out well over $500,000 commission to our partners and affiliates. We estimate that over $85,000 is highly passive, residual commissions. This is because we use lifetime lead tracking and hard database cookies. When we launch *internally* our JV partners and affiliates get 50% of all sales. For example, on a recent small launch over a weekend… we paid out over $12K to our affiliates although no outside JV traffic was used. Furthermore, we have an impenetrable balance sheet and we pay out like clockwork. We are super reliable webinar partners.

THE TAKEAWAY: It pays to let us cookie your leads by sending them to our custom registration page to sign up for this webinar.