Super Easy Fiction Joint Venture Details

This Easy-to-Mail Product + Killer Funnel
Pays You Up to $406.00 Per Sale

($3K JV Contest!)

We go live on Monday, September 9th at 11:00 am EST…


James J. Jones   (Contact Info: [email protected] / skype: james88499s)
Matt Rhodes   (Contact Info: [email protected] / skype: mattewwrhodes)
Jay Boyer   (Contact Info: [email protected] / skype: boyer.wood)
John S. Rhodes  (Contact Info: [email protected] / skype: oristus)



This high-converting front end offer breaks down the fiction writing process into bite-sized chunks that anyone can use to publish a compelling story that sells. It was created by an English teacher & writer that has evaluated over 5,000 fiction writing samples, who has unlocked the secret formulas of the best-selling fiction books. Fiction is by far the hottest selling Kindle genre, and if your subscribers are interested in Kindle at all…this product should convert like gangbusters for you!

The OTO is Fiction Book Formula, which takes Super Easy Fiction to the next level. Rather than writing stories yourself, Fiction Book Formula shows you how to get other people to do all the work for you for pennies on the dollar, even for FREE. It contains 16 training modules, 3 templates, weekly FAQs, and much more. This high-converting OTO sells like crazy at 3 payments of $97.



We have an incredible sales funnel in place designed to MAKE YOU MONEY. First, we have a great $9.95 “no brainer” front end product (PDF + videos) with step-by step “how to” information that buyers desperately want. Second, we have a tasty $297 OTO package showing how to set your fiction publishing business on autopilot. We’ve tested both the FE and OTO this summer, and they have been proven to SELL (there’s been nothing left to chance for you). And finally, we’ll be presenting our Forbidden Kindle Coaching program via webinar to all SEF buyers, which is one of our most profitable webinars ever at a $497 price point.

Here’s how the funnel breaks down:

  1. Front End – Super Easy Fiction ($9.95…you keep 100% commissions)
  2. OTO #1 – Fiction Book Formula ($297.00…you keep 50% commissions)
  3. OTO #2 – Forbidden Kindle Coaching Program ($497.00…you keep 50% commissions)
  4. More Products to Be Released to These Buyers in February! (all earning you passive $$$)

Maximum commission per customer = $406.00 bucks!



Win Over $3,000 in CASH!
In addition to this amazingly lucrative funnel, we also have over $3,000 up for grabs in our JV Contest.

Most Total Sales $1000.00
2nd Most Sales $ 500.00
3rd Most Sales $ 300.00
4th Most Sales $ 200.00
5th Most Sales $ 150.00
6th Most Sales $ 100.00
7th Most Sales $ 100.00
8th Most Sales $ 50.00
9th Most Sales $ 50.00
10th Most Sales $ 50.00
Most Sales Within
24 Hours
$ 500.00  



Promoting Super Easy Books is an easy 3-step process!

  1. Click here to join our affiliate program.
  2. Login to Nanacast. Get your ID from the top right of that page, similarly located in this screenshot:




Click here to see the sales page.
Click here email swipe copy.
Click here for testimonials swipe copy.



Dave Guindon, Daniel Hall, Tony Laidig, Rachel Rofe, Debbie Drum & Amy Harrop, James J. Jones, John S. Rhodes, Matt Rhodes, Jay Boyer, and many more!



We always set up accounts on a 1-to-1 basis. You will have your own login account and we will provide both Standard and Upgraded access to the entire Super Easy Books member area so that you can see how everything is presented and look through the training for yourself.

We can also provide access to any of our other products, including our super popular “low end” products in the $7-$17 range which are great for dropping cookies and tagging your lead for all future purchases.



  • 1st full payment sent 5-7 days after webinar (extremely fast payout).
  • Replay sales and residuals paid out every 30 days.
  • Lifetime lead tracking used so our hosts get commissions on all future internal launches.

James, Matt, John, and Jay have paid out well over $500,000 to our partners and affiliates in 2012. We estimate that over $100,000 is highly passive, residual commissions. This is because we use lifetime lead tracking and hard database cookies via our Nanacast affiliate system.