2014-09-18 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

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TeeSpring Cash Machine Comic Strips & Cartoon Chars WordPress MegaPack “Quit Your Day Job” Package Kindle Sales Multiplier Bundle

John & Jay’s Kindle Sales Multiplier “Monster Bundle”


  • How to Instantly Generate 1,000’s of Amazon Backlinks With the Click of Mouse
  • Amazon Authors’ Secret Weapon (your Kindle “Swiss Army Knife”)
  • How to Easily Score Top a 10,000 Ranking for Your Kindle eBook
  • 7 Sneaky Ways to Drive Massive Traffic to Your Amazon Book Listings
  • How to Legally Hack Tricky “Amazon HTML” to Juice Your Kindle Sales
  • Amanda Hocking’s Weird Secret to Selling 2.1 Million Kindle eBooks

John & Jay’s Offer

Product Name: Kindle Sales Multiplier “Monster Bundle”
Links: Sales Page   Customer support

Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $127   $27


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