2013-01-01 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

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Dr. Ben’s Evil FB Magician: List Building Unleashed
How I use Facebook’s unique structure and setup to:
- See if A Niche was Worth Going After before I did any work. I no longer waste any time going after niches that are hard to grow a list in and monetize.
- Get fast traffic and then turn that initial into free viral traffic for my squeeze pages. I built my special “sticky pages” fast and then use that initial traffic to grow my list virally (it’s insane how people help me grow my list now)
- Presell my audience so any squeeze page converted like mad. This rocks because I never have to worry about someone getting on my list and not taking action on what I put in front of them. My list is made up of people passionate about the topic of the list.
- Get people to open up my emails and actually look forward to getting them. I save a ton of time because my emails are 100x simpler than they used to be and people seem to love them alot more too!
- Put irresistible offers in front of my readers so they want to click on my email’s “money” links. My lists are so targeted and easy to read that people can’t wait to take action on the offers inside. I make it easy for my readers to take action on an offer.
Dr. Ben’s Offer
Product Name: Evil FB Magician: List Building Unleashed
Links: Sales Page Customer support
Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $200+ $47

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