2013-01-01 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

$10K “Guru Pub” Pack (buy now) |
Comic Strips & Cartoon Chars (buy now) |
WordPress MegaPack (buy now) |
“Quit Your Day Job” Package (buy now) |
Kindle Sales Multiplier Bundle (buy now) |
Jason & Wil’s WP Local Pro
- Create local websites in minutes with this professional wordpress theme
- It has been used to build thousands of local business websites for profit
- Fully customizable with just a few clicks of a button
- Integrates with social media sites like facebook, youtube and twitter in a snanp
- Well documented, supported and updated

Jason & Wil’s Offer
Product Name: WP Local Pro
Links: Sales Page Customer support
Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $49.95 $29.95

Other great product bundles you may be interested in...
- Viral Image Mega-Pack (watch the replay)
- Kindle Mind Control (watch the replay)
- Audio Explosion (watch the replay)
- Amazon "DIY Best-Seller" (watch the replay)
- Niche Underground $1 Trial (watch the replay)
- Apex Authors $1 Trial (watch the replay)