2013-09-19 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

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Daniel Hall’s Real Fast Email Marketing

[S3VIDEO bucket='blowout-sale' file='independence/2013-07-05_Independence-Day-Blowout-Daniel-final.mp4' width='715' height='400' autoplay='true']
  • How to write subject lines that people LOVE to click. (I share my absolute best email subject lines that made my jaw drop when I saw how many people opened them)
  • The lead magnets you must have to build a profitable relationship with your customers on Day 1.
  • A downloadable template of the formatting I use inside my emails that drive click thru rates through the roof.
  • What kind of content you should put in your emails (Do this wrong and watch people unsubscribe so fast it’ll make your head spin!)
  • The 5 point checklist that you MUST complete for every lead magnet your create.
  • 6 different types of lead magnets that will add people to your list day in and day out.
  • The ratio of content to offer emails that you should have if you want to make it in email marketing.
  • The 1 thing I did that added over 1500 people a month to my list for 2 years.
  • How to take the mistakes in your email and turn them to your advantage.
  • Why you shouldn’t be afraid to kick people off of your list.
  • The 3 factors that will determine whether people will click on your email.

Daniel Hall’s Offer

Product Name: Real Fast Email Marketing
Links: Sales Page   Customer support

Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $47   $9.97

Coupon Code: USABDAY

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