2013-09-19 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

24 Hour Product Launch (buy now) | Kindle Super-Pack (buy now) | Amazon Affiliate Toolbox (buy now) | Apex Authors $1 Trial (buy now) |
Deb and Amy’s Publisher’s Review Accelerator
- Overcome one of the biggest hurdles to increased book sales
- Get legitimate reviews from YOUR targeted audience
- Get those initial book reviews without begging friends, family or other publishers
- Completely White-Hat Software finds qualified reviewers in seconds
- Copy and paste template plus best practices make this rinse and repeat
- Outsourcing friendly-3 licenses
- Works on both Macs and PCs
Deb and Amy’s Offer
Product Name: Publisher’s Review Accelerator
Links: Sales Page Customer support
Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $37 $17

Other great product bundles you may be interested in...
- The 24 Hour Product Launch (watch the replay)
- Kindle Super-Pack (watch the replay)
- Amazon Affiliate Toolbox (watch the replay)
- Apex Authors $1 Trial (watch the replay)