2013-02-18 00:00:00 GMT-08:00

Viral Image Mega-Pack (buy now) | Kindle Mind Control (buy now) | Audio Explosion (buy now) | Best-Seller Case Study (buy now) |
Daniel Hall’s Real Fast Book Distribution
Real Fast Book Distribution will show you how to get your books into brick and mortar stores.
The cool thing is it’s not just Barnes and Noble that would be interested in selling your book.
In fact there are thousands of unexpected places that sell books including farmers markets, gift stores, airport stores, hospitals, military bases, and Real Fast Book Distribution will show you how to sell your book in them.
In the course you’ll understand how to…
- Use the list of over 1100 individual bookstore buyers complete with names, email, phone number and sales notes.
- Maximize your publicity efforts
- What to do after a buyer says “”no”” so that you get to a “”yes.””
- Tips from buyers and store owners that tell you how to make your book irresistable to them.
- Things you should prepare for before your book even comes out.
- Exclusive audio interviews with media, public relation and publishing experts.
- Recordings of successful and unsuccessful pitch sessions with buyers so you know what does and does not work.
- What book buyers look for in emails and how you can give it to them.
And much more…
Daniel Hall’s Offer
Product Name: Real Fast Book Distribution
Links: Sales Page Customer support
Guarantee: 30 days
Original Price/Discount: $197 $77
Coupon Code: VALENTINE

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